Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stem and Leaf Plot

Stem and leaf plots show a lot of numbers in a small area. The numbers on the left are the whole number and the numbers on the right are the decimals. The line in the middle is the decimal point. Each number on the right is considered a new number.

Box Plot

Box plots show the average score and the for quartiles of scores. Anything outside the box plot is considered an outlier.


Hisograms show how the frequency of certain points of data. A common use of a histogram is to show exam grades and how often they showed up to find the average and median scores.

Parallel Coordinate Graphs

A parallel coordinate graph relates a large amount of variables under one graph. They all connect at different points.

Triangular Plot

A triangular plot uses 3 different sets of data. Each set of data will be placed on each edge of the triangle and the colors help compare them.


A windrose shows the direction and speed of wind in a certain area. In this location, when the wind is blowing west, it is much stronger on average then when it is blowing east.


This cimograph shows the average temperature and rainfall in certain months of the year. The rainfall is represented in bars and temperature is represented in a line graph.

Population Profile

A population profile shows data about how many males/females there are in a country (or countries) according to their age. This map highlights how low the life expectancy is in under-developed countries.


Scatterplots show the relationship between dependant and independant variables. They sometimes show correlation, but sometimes there could be no correlation at all. This scatterplot shows a positive correlation between the two.

Index Value Plot

An index value plot compares the average flow over the last number of years versus this years flow.

Lorenz Curve

The Lorenz curve shows the perfect equality line and all the areas of inequality. This map shows what percentage of the population makes what percentage of income.

Bilateral Graph

A bilateral graph shows the realtionship between two or more variables on an XY axis.

Nominal Area Choropleth Map

A nominal area choropleth map uses nominal data. Nominal data is data that exists in name only. For example if you were creating a map using the highest percentage of race per state and the subcategories were black, hispanic, etc. In this map, red represents Republican, and blue represents Democrat.

Unstandardized Choropleth Map

An unstandardized choropleth map uses a total set of data rather than a per unit area set of data. Total population per state is a good example.

Standardized Choropleth Map

In a standardized choropleth map, all the data is to one unit. For example, all of the data could be per square mile. This map is per square kilometer.

Univariate Choropleth Map

A univariate choropleth map shows one set of data, unlike the bivariate choropleth map. This map is showing total rainfall.

Bivariate Choropleth Maps

This map, maps two variables on a single map. It combined two different sets of data or graphics to create this map.

Unclassed Choropleth Map

An unclassed choropleth map shows just 2 colors on the map. The data is either one or another. An example is Republican or Democrat.

Classed Chloropleth Map

A classed chloropleth map uses intervals of data to shade the map. This is a map of the 2004 presidential election.

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map

A range graded proportional circle map is a proportional circle map that uses circles to show a range of data.

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

A continuously variable proportional circle map uses circles to depict data. The size of the circle in each area depends how much data was collected from that area.


DOQQ stands for Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads. The photos are developed from aerial images and they can be shown in the actual color or infra-red. This image is shown in infra-red.


DEM stands for digital elevation model. A DEM map shows the elevation for an area in 3D on a digital medium. This is a DEM of the Sahara desert.


DLG stands for digital line graph. This map is pretty simple. It uses colors to divide regions and lines to divide what looks like counties.


DRG stands for digital raster graphic. It is basically a topographic map. This map shows a pipeline and elevation around it.


An isopleth map is basically a contour map of any kind of data. This map shows the amount of H1N1 death in the state of California. The darker the read, the more deaths in that area.


Isopachs show the thickness of the ground.


Isohyets show rainfall. Lines connected mean that the rainfall all along that line is equal. Sometimes there can be colors between the lines as well.


Isotachs show wind speed. If the lines connect, then everywhere on that line, the wind speed is equal.


Isobars are used to predict weather patterns. This map of isobars shows where the low pressure system is located. The L signifies a low pressure system.


LIDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging. It shows the depth of the ground using airborne scanning technology. It is accurate to within 15 centimeters.

Doppler Radar

The Doppler Radar helps predict weather patterns. This image shows what looks like a hurricane over Florida. The middle of  it is showed in yellow and red.

Black and White Aerial Photo

This is an aerial photo of a town. As you can see it is black and white. The river going around the town is a darker color.

Infrared Aerial Photo

This is a photo taken from up above with an infrared camera. It seems that the red area are vegetation. The green areas look like they are cement and the yellow is roofing.

Cartographic Animation

The Doppler radar is an example of a cartographic animation. This image would have been on the news showing you where in the United States it was going to rain. The green portion shows where the heaviest rain was going to be. The pink portion means snow is in the area.

Statistical Map

A statistical map is any map that shows data. This map shows total population.


A Cartogram shows data by distorting an area so that each 'square' will have a value. This map shows electoral votes. It still resembles the United States, but it distorted. The more electoral votes a state has, the more squares it will be made up of.

Flow Map

Flow maps can be very complex or they can be very simple like this one. This map is simply showing a routine. One step at a time, just follow the arrows.

Isoline Map

Isoline maps are used for forecasting the weather. Everything between lines is assigned a certain value. The areas between the lines can be colored in like this map does. This map is showing wind speed across the United States.

Proportional Circle Maps

In a proportional circle map, the circles will be assigned a value according to their size. Normally, the bigger the dot, the larger the value. In this map, the larger the circle, the bigger the Hispanic Population in Chicago area.

Chloropleth Map

A chloropleth map is a type of thematic map. As you can see by the legend, the darker the color green, the more Hispanic people live in that area. The more south you move in Florida, the more Hispanic people there are.

Dot Distribution Map

 This dot distribution map shows where the population is located in the United States. The more dense the dots are, the more people live there. So as you can see the west has a bigger population than the east.

Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps try to persuade you to think one way or another. This map is trying to get you to root for the USA and really hate the USSR. It says the USSR is full of Godless communists, liars and spies.

Hypsometric Map

A hypsometric map is a type of topographic map. It shows elevation by changing colors. In this map, the lowest points are blue and the highest points are light brown.

PLSS map


The public land survey system helps subdivide the land under ownership. It divides the land owned by the Federal Government which benefits the average citizen. The map above shows that most of the east coast and Texas are not part of the PLSS.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cadastral Map

This a picture of a cadastral map. A cadastral map shows ownership of land parcels and it also shows the boundaries of the parcels. The map above shows certain areas seperated by thick black lines and different colors.

Thematic Map

This is a thematic map showing the political party of the state's governor. Red means Republican and blue means Democrat. The state of Florida is red so that means in 2007, the Governor's offices was Republican