Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stem and Leaf Plot

Stem and leaf plots show a lot of numbers in a small area. The numbers on the left are the whole number and the numbers on the right are the decimals. The line in the middle is the decimal point. Each number on the right is considered a new number.

Box Plot

Box plots show the average score and the for quartiles of scores. Anything outside the box plot is considered an outlier.


Hisograms show how the frequency of certain points of data. A common use of a histogram is to show exam grades and how often they showed up to find the average and median scores.

Parallel Coordinate Graphs

A parallel coordinate graph relates a large amount of variables under one graph. They all connect at different points.

Triangular Plot

A triangular plot uses 3 different sets of data. Each set of data will be placed on each edge of the triangle and the colors help compare them.


A windrose shows the direction and speed of wind in a certain area. In this location, when the wind is blowing west, it is much stronger on average then when it is blowing east.


This cimograph shows the average temperature and rainfall in certain months of the year. The rainfall is represented in bars and temperature is represented in a line graph.